Categoria: Finanza Borsa Impresa
Editore: CEDAM
Cod. Editore:
ISBN: 9788813386160
Pubblicazione: Ottobre 2024
Pagine: 298
Prezzo: € 28,00
This text represents a considered collection of the lessons given over these years. It does not claim to be exhaustive, but rather aims to introduce the reader to a subject that is particularly flexible in its daily application by practitioners. Surely, the real estate financial market in Italy is not yet as mature, in terms of volume, as in other industrialized countries, which represents an opportunity for the future. However, as often happens, basic knowledge is the prerequisite for constructing complex real estate financial projects that are characterized by meeting various needs, which consequently find responses in specific practical cases. This text simply aims to meet the need for understanding the fundamentals of real estate finance and its instruments without claiming to delve into the complex mechanisms of international financial operations.
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